People Want Memorial Urns for Their Loved Ones – Here’s Why?

wood urn for ashes

The passing of a closed one is always distressing. Yet, people have found their own unique and helpful ways to grieve. Some find solace by embedding pictures or customizing them in other ways to memorialize them in the regular jewelry they wear. Some create a dedicated memorial space in their homes to immortalize their presence. While some keep the memory alive through eloquent tattoos.

How you grieve is a choice that should be only to your own – something that is personal and keeps the tie between you and the dear one, forever alive. Seeking this ‘personal’ way of memorializing, today more and more turn to memorial urns over caskets and other practices. There are many more ways how these special unique urns have helped them, and let us see how.

Flexible in Every Sense and Closer to Your Heart

The death of a loved one is personal and in every way must be held high above tradition. While a proper burial has been a long-practiced custom and can indeed help, but wouldn’t you rather keep your loved one closer to you and not lying in a foreign land and casket? Memorial urns are light and while you can create a permanent space for them, you can also keep them wherever you choose, close to you or not.

The very flexibility and versatility of urns are what makes them a more unique and personal way of memorializing a departed friend, over other resources. Maybe you can choose to get it built in a favorite material of theirs. Other ways how you can customize them are by choosing –

  • Engraving a Favorite Quote or Memory
  • Adding a Picture of You and Them, or a Day Close to Both.
  • Choose a Specialty Urn in Their Favorite Color or Material.
  • Shape Them into Something They Loved or Even to Their Image

Compensates Only in Cost

A popular reason why people favor cremation urns over caskets is the cost-effectiveness. Although urns provide a more personal and burials a more formal touch, the former can be of great grandeur and still cost way lesser than all the proceeding costs of a burial. Studies claim they are 40-50% lesser in cost than a burial. However, except for expenses, cremation urns compensate in no other sense, rather is a more empowering way of grieving the passing of a loved one.

Environmental Concerns are No More Than of a Burial

Many fall under the false notion that cremations are extremely harmful to the environment. While the environmental concerns are not completely nulled with cremation, it is a far environmentally friendlier way than burials. Today, cremations have been modified to create the least amount of carbon emissions. While burials continue to add chemicals to the earth and are in no sense more eco-friendly than cremations. And after the process is done, you can still forever immortalize your loved one in specialty urns for ashes, without disrupting yourself much or the environment.

Simple and Lessens Distress

The death of a loved one is not easy on one, and making large decisions, planning a proper burial service, making calculations, and other factors as such, only add to the distress. While cremations are far simpler and urns rather help you in this time of distress, unlike the other more traditional and formal approach. Find the most unique urn for ashes and keep the memory of your dear one alive and close to you every day, forever. 

Remember, death is personal and you get to choose your way of grieving or how you choose to immortalize their memory. However, hope this article helps in making your choice.